妓女天使 WHORE ANGELS (中文字幕)[AVI/942MB]

【影片名称】:妓女天使 WHORE ANGELS (中文字幕)
【语种发音】:日语发音 / 简体中文字幕.
【特 征 码】:108f460eddfeca14fa1e5a68b5809093cef7f8ac
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【影片尺度】:三级 (R18+)
【主演演员】:黑田诗织.西籐尚.工籐翔子.水野裡兰.奈贺毬子.十日市秀悦.山崎信. 等.
Komasa(真子)是一勐牛,她来自赤木峰,像女仔女郎叫真子,女孩真子流浪汉漂泊在工作。有一天,她救了梦露,是一个粉红色头髮的女人,她是被恶魔生命攻击的对象。梦露得到了一份工作,在“热唇”沙龙裡它很快发现,她的口交有神奇的治癒伤处能力,能使不能勃起的阳痿老人一柱擎天,能使眼盲者重见光明,中风者站立走动...., 各种奇蹟发生,顿时轰动社会,患者都到热唇沙龙要求口交,打败各大医院。梦露变成“吹萧救世主”的天使美名。
Komasa is a cow-girl drifter who works at the whore house, “Hot-Lips”. One day, she saves the life of Monroe, a pink-haired woman, who is being attacked by a demon. Monroe gets a job at “Hot Lips” where it’s quickly discovered that her blowjobs have magical healing powers. Soon she’s the most popular girl there as lines of sick and handicap men seek special treatment from the woman who has the healing powers of an angel…Director Mototsugu Watanabe (Sexy Battle Girls) directs this irreverent sexy comedy!




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